Being (In)Adequate at age twenty-something.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 by Lilize

So after a little chat on PMS, identity + aging crisis (it's been a while since I started lying about my age) and a cup of chocolate milk, I caught myself thinking about what's still ok to do at my age, with my lifestyle, and what would just be... ridiculous.
So I made a list, kind of what I do and what I used to... kind of... do.
- Having a little too much to drink - acceptable.
- Getting drunk as a skunk and sleeping on the bathroom sink - not acceptable.
- Going to (punk) rock concerts - acceptable.
- Going backstage, cover myself with band stickers, waking up the morning after not knowing whose shirt I'm wearing - not acceptable.
- Hitting a club or party, hooking up with a stranger - acceptable.
- Hooking up with 11 - not acceptable.
- Borrowing my boss's bike - acceptable.
- Seeing a random bike on the street and walk away with it - not acceptable.
- Pretend I'm "PRESS" just to get in for free at music events - acceptable.
- Not staying for the concert because the band is boring - still acceptable, not very polite though.
That's just a little taste of it. My life has changed so much and it's depressing to think there are so many things I can't do anymore... Unless I'm ok with being that old spinster that you look at when you're 18 and perky and think "Can you BE more trashy?"