It's better to burn out than to fade away...

A couple of days ago I had a little melt down over aging and time going by and my not doing anything with my life - at least not what I thought I'd be doing at this age in life.

It might be that I demand(ed) too much of myself, since I thought I'd be an internationally acknowledged journalist by age 21, a devoted loving mother by age 24 and a politically correct diplomat by age... now. None of that has happened and the odds of happening in a near future are slim, so it kinda bums me out.

Then, this morning as I'm getting dressed, I spot this flashing white hair on the top of my head, just to add to my misery.

Anyways, I've been trying to get this blog right and I remembered why I have been procrastinating so much in coming back... the trouble of changing layout, fixing links and labels and sponsors and counters, what have you... THAT is not a hobby, it's a whole man job!!! And I'm just a little person, so be patient, please.


    On 15 October, 2008 18:02 Anonymous said...

    Wohooo good things come to those who wait
    Welcome back, filhote;)


    I got my first grey hair at 22. And a lot more since then...but it's better to have grey hair than no hair ☺

    On 18 October, 2008 13:32 Anonymous said...

    Hey Li...Já aceitei a preocupação com o tempo como uma coisa normal...E eu sempre arranco fios brancos da minha cabeça...E olha que eu tenho só 18 hein...Vai ver é a raça que contribui pra isso...e não a velhice...
    pensa que vc tá fazendo o melhor estando ai, correndo atrás das suas coisas...
    beijo te amo!


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