Being homesick.
Saturday, October 18, 2008 by Lilize

There are some simple things that I used to eat/use/wear when I was a kid and, finding them for sale, and so "accessible" gives me the temptation to go ahead and buy them, just to have a little taste of nostalgia. I bought 7 (yes, SEVEN!) boxes of chocolate, a pack full of gum, gooseberry drink, yuka flour, havaianas, cereal flakes, shrimp snacks, 6 cups of cream cheese, cheese bread, white corn and some other flavours that only Brazil has to offer :)
I even bought a soccer ball with Brazilian flags for the kids at home.
Caralho, farofa pronta, os 50 dólares de frete para a Suécia quase valem a pena
only when you are out of the home you feel its importance. even i at times go out of my home i miss everything like hell.