Something to write home about.
Monday, October 20, 2008 by Lilize

I was reading some (very) old posts the other day and couldn't help but notice the huge difference in posting numbers.
Back in 2002 there were months I wrote up to 90 posts! So I think... why is it so hard for me to write anything at all nowadays?
What was going on in my life that had me so full of opinions?
It is really a problem that I have had for the past 5 years now... figuring out a topic to write about. Because I don't want to write just anything, people want to write something interesting and meaningful. Then there are the stories full of hidden meanings and things we're not supposed to share publicly (not because other people can't read it, but because someone in specific can't read it, and you know the web...) There are so many limitations!!!
I actually had to go on a 6 month hiatus because of a relationship once.
There was also that time when my Dad called me asking me what was that whole alcohol thing about and if I was ok... I did not understand a word, then he muttered something about "I read it online". I rushed to my blog, the last 5 posts all started in a variation of "Today I woke up and got drunk".
Where do people get all this inspiration? I wanna go there too!!!
I am so bad, I have just written a post on how I don't know what to write about.
That's ok, every writer goes to that desolate place called writer's block. It will come back, don't worry.