Being (In)Adequate at age twenty-something.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 by Lilize

So after a little chat on PMS, identity + aging crisis (it's been a while since I started lying about my age) and a cup of chocolate milk, I caught myself thinking about what's still ok to do at my age, with my lifestyle, and what would just be... ridiculous.
So I made a list, kind of what I do and what I used to... kind of... do.
- Having a little too much to drink - acceptable.
- Getting drunk as a skunk and sleeping on the bathroom sink - not acceptable.
- Going to (punk) rock concerts - acceptable.
- Going backstage, cover myself with band stickers, waking up the morning after not knowing whose shirt I'm wearing - not acceptable.
- Hitting a club or party, hooking up with a stranger - acceptable.
- Hooking up with 11 - not acceptable.
- Borrowing my boss's bike - acceptable.
- Seeing a random bike on the street and walk away with it - not acceptable.
- Pretend I'm "PRESS" just to get in for free at music events - acceptable.
- Not staying for the concert because the band is boring - still acceptable, not very polite though.
That's just a little taste of it. My life has changed so much and it's depressing to think there are so many things I can't do anymore... Unless I'm ok with being that old spinster that you look at when you're 18 and perky and think "Can you BE more trashy?"
Yes things change so rapidly which is surely a not acceptable ..i wish me too can go back my old days but its not acceptable by nature.
I went through the same sort of "holy crap my twenties are ending" existential crisis too. And another when I turned 30. Honestly? Having an age that starts with a 3 is kind of relaxing!
Much as waking up in a ditch wearing an unfamiliar shirt is slightly less than classy, it is YOUR life. As long as doing stupid shit is not causing harm to anyone depending on you, I don't see why you should let yourself be held back by some completely subjective concept of what is age-appropriate and what is not.
Except for the stealing of bikes. That is never okay, young lady! Did you ever steal a really nice, white cruiser bike with a black basket on the front? Because if so I WANT IT BACK :(
Nao sabia q vc tinha isto aqui...
beijos e saudades!!
Wow, what a great change to your blog, Lilize! The header is beautiful. You're sure you're not a model?
I too just came back from a hiatus...a rather long one. Just checking in on blogs I enjoyed back in the day to see who's still going and who's not.
For the record, there's nothing wrong with being drunk as a skunk and sleeping on the bathroom sink. Sometimes, if it's a good party, it's the only space available! =P