Being a woman
Tuesday, January 30, 2007 by Lilize

really, why the hell did eve have to eat the damn forbidden fruit? then we got to labour, and have abdominal cramps, and get moody and sentimental... stoopid eve!
mood swings suck you know?
anyways, my weekend didn't. saturday night i went to LA with some girlfriends and we went to a bar, i drank belgian beer (hihi) and apparently my eyes went red.
sunday morning we hit the road towards the ski station, it was a very nice day indeed.
but still, i can't get my mind off daily routine and worries. home, visa, trips, money, family, friends... summing up: future.
i'm thinking wether i should go back to europe in march or whatever i should do with my life right now, and my counselors are so far away... actually i don't even have time to talk to anyone to ask for advice.
so well, whoever drops by and wants to poke my future, feel free. at least i'll have a few options.
Hello, you said something about coming to europe. If you do, i am sure we can find sometime/place to meet up. Tell me more.
Duvel Hihihihi ;)
adorei o seu blog. sera que voce se importaria de me ajudar a por o meu parecido com o seu.gosto muito da imagem
o meu e-mail é
pode-me adicionar no messenger,
e ja agora passe tambem pelo meu blog
Here's something my father once showed me:
Take a piece of paper and divide it in half. On one side, write PROS and on the other side, write CONS. Go through all the pros and cons of staying where you are and moving to Europe. Do it for any other moving choice as well.
It helps get your thoughts organized so you can objectively look at the situation and make a good decision.
Well, it works for me anyhow... ;)
voce nao conhece nehuma forma de recuperar?estou desesperada!
Bem... Estamos no mesmo barco. A minha decisão não recai sobre em que continente ficar [hehehehe...=D] mas sobre como manter a minha sanidade mental no meio de tanta gente complicada.
Conselho: vai para o sítio quye te garantir maior independência e liberdade. Aquele que te conseguir assegurar espaço para a loucura e para a serenidade.
Aquele que dê para estares VIVA em pleno!
Sabes qual é?
Então depois manda-me o endereço porque vou ser tua vizinha! ;p
*beijos mil
Li como vc tá diferente! mas pra melhor claro!
Faz mto tempo que naum passo por aqui...até fiz um outro blog...hhee!
nossa quantas decisões vc tem que tomar neh? mas de qualquer forma eu te desejo o melhor mesmo estando tãão longe!
I like Duvel... *hic* hihi... *hic*