After the rain comes sun....
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 by Lilize

one of the things i like the most here is the sunset. and now i guess i'm having a better time then i was before because i get to see the sunset by the beach nearly everyday, just a few steps away from my doorstep.
i'm actually having a better time then i had in a long time, because i realized that some stupid things i do, it's not my fault really, i can only blame my PMS. so i'm praying that it be gone very soon.
and also because a while ago i was a bit overwhelmed with some happenings... thinking i might have made the wrong choices or even if i did make the right choices, i might have taken the wrong path... but now i know that all i did was good, and i don't need to feel bad about it.
i guess that makes anybody's day get better :)
plus there's one more thing i'm gonna do:
i'm sick and tired of watching my words not to offend or upset people who read this. this is MY blog, it's supposed to express MY FEELINGS, tell about MY STORY... so i'm done with measuring words and twisting edges.
if you don't wanna know the truth, stop reading it. if you read something you don't like, don't come giving me your crap.
this means: previous employers, exs, exs girls, exs exs, envious people, people i will talk about, shove it up.
with no further delay, i'm gonna have some pizza!
layout novo. gostei :)
vc ja tem um cox?
Gostei Mi! O passado é bom para aprender. Mas o que importa é o presente e esse só depende de ti! Continuo a adorar-te e é bom continuar a ver-te crescer :)
Sunsets are always beautiful - sunsets over the beach are the best!