The stupid moment of the year.
Saturday, January 20, 2007 by Lilize

not happy being miserable from unecessary nostalgia, i decided i should do more for my own disgrace and started stalking ghosts from the past.
really. why do we do this? and don't come tell me the "speak for yourself" lecture because i know people do this. it's human nature. the only thing i could do to make things worse was to listen to james blunt. and even though i hate him, i did that too.
guess i could say i'm feeling a little bit self destructive today :)
Tem mto tempo que n visitava seu blog, hj aparecei por aqui e ele está mto mto mto lindo, adorei =)
É tem dias que a gente faz umas coisas estranhas mesmo... human nature...
Ah as coisas estranhas as quais me referi foram as que vc disse que fez no seu post, não o fato de eu ter vindo te visitar aqui no blog hauahauahauahaua eu hein, coisa mais ambigua hehehe
I love the updated blog. It feels so much more like your personality than the previous one.
I think ultimately we look into our pasts to see where we went wrong, to comfort ourselves in the present, and to prepare ourselves for what lays ahead in the future. There's nothing wrong with being melancholy once in awhile. It's a good way to recharge and regroup your thoughts.
Perhaps the next few days, try one new thing: maybe a drink, a walk in a new neighborhood, or do something reminiscent of your childhood (for my pet, it's sketching!). That might help break your mood and lighten your spirits!