Turning a page
Sunday, October 08, 2006 by Lilize

people say that this is the time when your life changes, when you renew cycles and everything, but i never thought it would come so fast for me.
1 month ago i was in my hometown, in sao paulo, brazil, just trying to get an aswer, a job, figure out what to do with life, restless, hopeless...
in less than a month, here i am in california, and still i thought i'd be somewhere, with certain people, but it turned out to... not work out so well.
it's quite surprising to think about this but it kind of makes sense now. and i'm back to figuring out what to do with life, but i feel better somehow.
in an attempt to make everybody happy, i ended up making myself unhappy... but i guess things will be alright now, after all, it's a brand new cycle, right?
I am sure you will find what you are meant to be doing soon ....... enjoy California while you can
Blessings X
Hey Der
Was bloghopping and happened to found yours...
Life as Im beginning to learn always has surprises for us..Enjoy what you are doing now..Take it as it comes...
Anyways...take care...