1 x 3 = 4
Monday, October 16, 2006 by Lilize

no, that’s exactly what i meant.
as i said before, i decided to change the direction of my life a little bit, since i wasn’t so hyper about it. anyways, i don’t even think i wanna talk about my reasons here, the only thing i can say is that i don’t regret it a day in my life and that was definetely the best thing i did.
today my friend was telling me how surprising it was to see my motherly nature, which could actually be a bit surprising to some people who only knew me from punk rock concerts or raves or things like that...
the thing is, for this past week, the most common thing to hear me say is “hold on, i gotta hang up to feed the babies”.
no, i didn’t give birth to anyone, but apparently someone else did. to 3 someones, actually. 3 gorgeous yummy premmie triplets who can’t be breast fed, so i’m in charge of feeding them on bottles every 4 hours.
why 4, you wonder? along with this pack, there’s a 15 month old.
i love them already and i’m having a blast... and on friday i actually had my first day off since i arrived in california!

dá-lhe supernanny!
o duende verde espiando por cima do ombro do aranha ta demais hauhauhaua
miyuki = okasan??
vc PRECISA portar essa foto de hollywood hahaha e a doe spiderman! chiquerrima vc sempre huaha e o sobrinho lindinho ;~~ nha ^^
pega ele!! :p