Glamour, oh glamour!
Saturday, September 30, 2006 by Lilize

before crossing the americas and flying up to sweet cali, i’d figured my life would be a bit more glamorous than this. i mean… it’s california, baby! beverly hills, holywood and all that crap. not to mention the most-heard comment: “newport beach? Oh! Oh! THE O.C.!!! tell who-ever-hunky-tv-series-star i love him if you run into him!”
not that i even expected to come across such celebrities, but i wish my life was a bit different right now. i wish i could go out to actually see the town. i wish i actually had time to do so. and i wish i didn’t feel so stranded in here – the closest bus stop is 40 minutes away by bike. and no, i don’t drive.
the closest to glamorous i ever get is when i go through gossip-mags star or in touch or something like that. now i know why you americans know so much about your celebs’ private life!!!
argh…. why can’t i be one of them? i’m talented! i can act!!! or at least i could become the next mr. famous-hunky-single-one love affair! i can cook and i sure can clean!
q linda q linda *_*
vc não dirige huaha ? ^^
beijinho :*
40 minutes? That's nothing, you're in California. If you see Paris Hilton ask her why she stopped returning my calls.
eu sei como é...ahahahahahah...
mas faça o seguinte- get a driver´s license, ou entao arrume um amigo, amiga, boyfriend, etc who has a car...
you know, it really works - I do this a lot down here....kkkkk
bjssss e felidades
Cleaning is an amazing talent in and of itself. Do not underestimate the power of a clean apartment or house. It's good for the soul! ;)
Good things will come along to you, Lilize. Keep this in mind: If it is to be, it is up to me! You can and will do it! :)
And besides, I always thought you were glamourous anyhow - with or without the shades!
Hey you! I just wanted to pop in to say hi! It seems you are a little bummed. I am sorry ot hear that! Hopefully things will get better for you! And who knows, you could meet mr hot hunky famous guy! It could happen!
Dropping in and offering huge hugs X