Must... beat... game... addiction...
Friday, September 01, 2006 by Lilize

oh, i know! i've been stuck in this 3-dimensional world frenetically building an amusement park!!! and i don't even like amusement parks!!!
anyways, i don't know if this is really a great game or if it's just me who can get easily addicted to any kind of game. but one thing is a fact, the graphics are great. try it if you're too bored, you'll sure have something to do for the rest of the... day.
Is that The Sims? I didn't realize the graphics were that great if it is. It looks like a lot of fun!
That looks amazing !
isso é tipo the sims?
Parece uma ÓTIMA opção pro meu super feriado sem nada pra fazer em são paulo (tá, parece paradoxo. na verdade eu to em alphaville, sem carro, e com mãe que tem medo de de sair daqui. faz sentido agora?)
dá pra baixar ou tem q ter cd?
I am downloading the demo right now.
(leaving comments like this due to a glitch in Beta Blogger)
aiBWNj The best blog you have!