The party crashers
Sunday, August 13, 2006 by Lilize

well, yesterday i didn't even check e-mails, i stayed home petting my dog and doing some laundry, and by 7pm my friend gustavo came by. our friend from a nearby town called us to go to a party, and from what i knew, it was a party "from the neighborhood" so no big deal, right?
wrong. only when we got there did i find out all data about the party: it as a surprise party to a boy none of us knew. THE EMBARASSMENT!!!!! plus, that was the crappiest surprise party ever. when the kid was coming in and we were all supposed to keep quiet, all his friends (i think at least the other ones really were his friends) kept laughing and talking and it was obvious there were at least 20 people in that backyard. so my guesses were: the surprise part was that he didn't know us, but still, we were there! :)
anyways, don't get me started on the party after the "surpriiiseee!!!", it was awkwardly hilarious.
i was quite away for a while and today i came here and first thing i did was to check news on arthur's condition. seems it was a tough and long weekend, he had some fever and a swell on his head, that kept the doctors busy and everyone else on the tip of their toes.
fortunately it was just a prank he was trying to pull us and the swell has dimnished and he's improving.
let's keep sending him the good vibes and keep this chain growing... :) thank you all for that :*
oh... and of course i should mention, here in brazil we celebrated father's day today. i couldn't spend it with my daddy (he lives 4.000 km away) so i went to my grandad's place and had lunch with him and the rest of the family.
so, although we should remember this and say it all the time, today was the "stablished" day for that. i love all my daddies and i wish all daddies in the world a happy day :)
I'm glad Arthur's swelling is down and he's responding so well. I'm sure he'll be out before you know it :)
That's good news about Arthur's condition! Clearly, the good vibrations are working!
Happy Father's Day to all of my friends in Brazil!
As for the surprise party, I would have to admit that it sounds pretty awkward. However, it's irony laden in the sense that having all of you there whom he did not know was definitely a surprise! Did this person ever find out you were there and ask you why you came? If he did, I hope you said, "Well it's a surprise party so since your friends didn't really make it a surprise, we're [waving your hand to indicate your friends] all your surprise!"
Hey from Juazeiro do Norte!
Thanks for stopping by. Pretty funny surprise'll look back on it and laugh some day.
More good stuff on its way ......
Blessings X