I'm lazy.

i'm so lazy i'm even too lazy to say it.

anyways, i've been getting many comments wishing well to my friend arthur, so THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all comments, all this energy and good thoughts people are sending him is very important.

updates on his condition? only one of his lungs is affected by the pneumonia now and his fever is very low. let's hope he can go rest in a room outside the intensive care unit during the weekend!

he's been responding to stimuli very well and i'm sure he's only getting better!!!
yesterday the doctor had to sedate him (just a little) because he was getting all excited and already wanted to talk hehehe...

tomorrow (saturday) we're planning on gathering all of his friends (maybe at the beach) and hold hands together sending good thoughts and energy to our friend :)


    boa sorte pro seu amigo :*


    Even though I cannot make it to the beach with all of you, I will send up my thoughts as well. I hope and pray Arthur gets better soon!

    As for laziness: Who hasn't had those days where all you want to do is sit around and do nothing? Wait...that's every day of my life.


    I am thinking of you and your friend.
    Blessings X


    King Arthur!


    :S nao sabia que tinha acontecido tudo aquilo com o seu amigo


    I am glad to hear things are looking up!!! My prayers and thoughts are still with him, and you!

    On 28 February, 2007 19:30 Anonymous said...

    Where did you find it? Interesting read » »


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