A fork stuck in a road.

sometimes you have no option. and then you start wishing for a way in your life and then when one arises.. they just seem to bloom!
i mean, blooming is not even the word, i'd say more like popping out of nowhere. and then... which direction to chose???

anyways, i've got a job interview tomorrow, if i get this one it will be great for me. i mean... it will be good for my career, but for me, as a person... argh. is it bad to think this way? throw away such huge opportunity for pleasure? i'm in panic, really, i'm using the word PANIC here.

does it sound irresponsible of me? of course. but taking such job would mean settling down here in brazil and guys, I'M SO NOT READY FOR THAT. not like i need to get married if i get the job, but still, there's so much i need to see and live, and that much is definetely not here and not in my powers to see and live during my 20-day yearly vacation. am i being non sense here?

right now my hopes are on my chances of going back to the US, i even checked my visa status for that. i'll keep my fingers crossed.


he's getting better and better but we can still use your prayers and thoughts :)
he's been out of sedatives for the past 2 days and if he makes it without them for 2 more, his body will be free from the drugs.
the pneumonia is almost gone and he's breathing on his own.
he can hear what people say and he's been responding to stimuli.


    Glad to hear Arthur is doing better! And about the job! All I can say is do what is in your heart! That "dream" job will come along again. It may not be the same job, but it could also be better than the one in front of you! Just follow your heart! You will do what is right for you!


    I don't think you're being silly, Lilize. I think you're being completely normal. I know this is how my human pet felt when she made the committment to move to Houston, Texas from her hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has been in Houston now for six years, going on seven, and she feels like you: There's so much to see!

    You'll never lose that sense of adventure, but making it happen takes time and resources. Choose wisely where you want to be for the next few years, and always feel like you can change and recreate your dreams.


    q desenho lindo *_____*

    infelizmente nao entendo tudo q vc escreve hauhua ;~~~~~~~~


    Good Luck with the job ........ fingers crossed !

    Good to hear Arthur is on the mend

    (and I love Number 13 on the songs)

    On 01 November, 2007 23:47 Anonymous said...

    8QUxK5 The best blog you have!


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