One step at a time.

arthur's buddies' news bulletin

as i mentioned in my previous post, my friend, Arthur, is in hospital after being beat consecutively in the head. that caused serious damage and he had to go through surgery and is in coma.

well, fortunatelly, as a blessed child that he is, he's been making a lot of progress by the minute!!!

i am glad to anounce that he's recovering... so well! doctors have reduced his medication already and today he opened one eye!!!!

and you wanna know the touchy part of the day? during visitors hour, one of his friends held his hand and said "we all miss you and we're waiting for you. please come back quick, ok?" you know what he did?
HE NODDED. he knows we're here waiting :)

and he's coming back real quick :)

you can find on the navigation bar a button i made for the "news bulletin" blog, if you speak portuguese you can visit "him" there ;)


    I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Arthur. What a horrible thing to have to go through. Indeed, he is very blessed to be recovering, and I hope he continues to do so. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope that those who did this to him will be brought to justice.

    I also noticed you added me to your links, and I am very honored. I will do the same right now so I can remember to visit you every day. :)

    On 08 August, 2006 22:03 Anonymous said...

    its a good thing that he is recovering...prayer and support from loved ones help a lot..

    On 09 August, 2006 17:59 Anonymous said...

    PARTE 1

    Que bom que ele está melhorando dessa forma! A sensação de se ter um amigo em mals lençóis é incrivelmente ruim, eu sei porque já tive uma grande amiga entre a vida e a morte por conta de leucemia (graças a deus, ela se recuperou). O que não dá pra imaginar é a revolta de ter um amigo nesse estado por conta da onda nojenta de violência.

    PARTE 2

    Bacana que vc gostou do meu bobolog, agradeço o link;) E olha, vc ja estaria linkada há um bom tempo não fossem as rebeldias do livespaces;)

    PARTE 3 (se prepara q hj eu to empolgada pra escrever hehehehe)

    Me explica direito esse negócio DE ONDE SAIU VC. Eu lia lá o blog da Dani e 'ouvia' sempre falar de vc em Portugal e blablabla. Aí chegou vc na Suécia e foi maior surpresa: uma japa com sotaque da terrinha! FANTÁSTICO=D
    Mas depois eu vi que não era bem assim.
    Desate o nó na minha cabeça, por favor=P

    On 10 August, 2006 06:20 Anonymous said...

    I remember when I was younger, my boyfriend was beat by a drug dealer. It was a message the dealer was sending to another one of our friends. Matt was in the hospital for over two months. When he came home I was so happy and thankful, he really was beautiful. A good soul that was often overlooked.

    A few years later I heard an awful rumor. I called his mother immediately and found that Matt had fell victim to drugs, while in rehad, finally getting his life on track, a tired driver, reaching for his morning donut ran off the road and killed my dear friend.

    I wish nothing but hope and a speedy recovery for Arthur.


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