If this is your first night at Fight Club...


this is what arthur has been doing for the past days. fighting :)
for those who have been following the blog, arthur is my friend, victim of a stupid act of violence. (see posts 08/08 and 08/09)
did i mention that he's an actor? that's him in one of his plays.

people have been talking about social and moral values and citizenship. how could we have prevented this from happening? it's a shame to learn that in brazil, not only are we obliged to vote, but we're also one of the countries who pays the most taxes in the world. do you think we get the expected feedback?

not really. what we get is free violence, corruption inside our own government, more taxes, poor quality of life, unemployment, more taxes, high prices, low salary and taxes to pay. i don't know if you read about it, but a couple of months ago we had a mass prision gettaway from this dangerous gang or faction or whatever we may call them.
myself, didn't leave the house for 3 days. what did the police do? well, they announced that all civilians should return to their homes after 8pm, because they would just shoot anyone on the street after that time. whoever was out at that time should be considered a criminal and would have to answer to that.
what about the government, what did they do? well, our dear governor decided to make a settlement with the gang: new uniforms with different colors, intimate visits and 50 sets of tv so the inmates could watch the worldcup. WTF??? is that the reason why we're getting killed out here?

unfortunately due to his condition he contracted a pneumonia. but that shouldn't be a problem for him, right? ;) besides, that is totally under control by the doctors.
he's been awake for longer periods now, and he's been even considered a "menace" by female nurses at the hospital! he's gained the habit of holding their hands when they pass by ;) (atta boy!)
his brain is just fine now, the drains have been removed today, but we'll only know wether there was damage or not when he recovers conscience
as soon as he recovers from the pneumonia, he'll be ready to leave the intensive care unity and be transferred to a room :)))

i've already volunteered to sacrifice my internet addiction to offer this laptop from where i reach you, so he can read all the loving messages he's been receiving... (and believe me, there are HUNDREDS!)

i know you, who reads me now, are not a friend of his, but i know there are many people cheering and praying for his recovery! if you wish to leave him a positive message, feel free to do so and i'll translate it and send it to his bulletins blog :)
if you speak portuguese, feel free to visit him here:

arthur's buddies' news bulletin

pheew. guess i felt inspired today :)


    Good thoughts go out for your friend!

    That prison escape was scary as hell, I'd have done exactly the same thing as you.

    When i visited Brazil we were told clearly where we could and where we shouldn't go, being foreigners. Was quite scary before hand. But once we got there it was all common sense really and was great


    There are lots of people in this world who unfortunately do not understand the situation you are facing simply out of ignorance. What you are doing by posting thoughts and commentary like this is educating people and increasing awareness, and that can be a very powerful tool for change!

    I thought you might have a Thursday Thirteen up, but I was pleasantly surprised by this instead! ;)

    Keep getting well, Arthur! And for the record: Fight Club is an awesome movie!

    On 10 August, 2006 06:16 Anonymous said...

    My goodness.. I couldn't imagine!

    Thank you for your visit to my blog. I was returning the favor!


    Wow! My thoughts also go out to your friend. I too came by to see if you had a 13 up, but this was defiantely interesting. I have never seen the fight club though. Maybe now I will have to.


    great news!!


    thank you all for the comments!!!!

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