Forces of Nature
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 by Lilize

i do believe in facts and science, but i also believe in nature, in Mother Earth and Father Time, in letters and numbers, stars, fate, in people, in dreams and in feelings. and i believe that this past week was all planned and written down a long time ago.
there’s something about my feelings and my dreams that is somewhat inexplicable, the only thing i can say is that each of us is different, but whereas you and your realtor could be a bit the same, i am totally different from everybody else.
for instance, i’ve known ever since i was around 5 or 6 years old that i would live in the united states when i grew older. i just knew it, not because i wished to – even because i did NOT want to come here at all –, but i knew it.
some might think i’m crazy, and maybe i am. or maybe my life is just too coincidentical. a couple of years ago a friend told me about something that would happen to me, and he added: “when it comes, you’ll know. you’ll recognize it and you’ll say: this is it.”
well, this is it!
from all the great times and good things that came with this trip to the united states, from all the people that came into my life, my babies and how they make me feel, from all the experiences... chicago was definitely the best thing that happened to me.
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It would be so niiiice!