Now, what exactly DO YOU mean?

i overheard this conversation between two lovely ladies, in their mid-40’s while having dinner:

lady #1: you know, i’m just not happy with my telephone provider.
lady #2: don’t you have COX?
lady #1: no, i don’t have COX.
lady #2: oh my god. you gotta have it! i think it’s great. i have COX on everything! i have COX on my telephone, COX on my television and COX on my computer.
lady #1: so COX is that good?
lady #2: oh yeah. i love it.


    so,do you know what is cox? :-) I don't know

    On 28 October, 2006 18:50 Anonymous said...


    I really like your blog. cox is hard. in fact if i were you i would go to and submit this blog so thousands of others can see it for free. well, i look forward to all the updates. Thanks again and i have added your blog to my favorites.



    what a hell is cox? hauhauhau sua lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :*

    On 05 November, 2006 05:44 Anonymous said...

    deu até pra imaginar a cena, com duas americanas gordas e assexuadas, com seus cabelos de laquê e maquiagens tenebrosas

    On 05 November, 2006 13:30 Anonymous said...

    They are a MUST have .........


    what the hell is cox? hahah


    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    a lets me plagiou antes mesmo de eu fazer meu comentario ¬¬


    hauhauhau thá meu bem xD



    I'm dying laughing....must breathe!


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