To be loved by a horse...
Sunday, August 20, 2006 by Lilize

lately i've been having dreams with horses. but they're not just dreams. or simple dreams.
in my dreams, i have this very strange and strong connection with them. are they trying to tell me something? what should i seek for? is there a lesson to learn from them? why are they here?
also, sad to say that my nightmares are back. haven't had them for a while but lately they have become frequent again. but the funny thing is: other people should call them nightmares, i just call them dreams. have i got used to them?

one of his friends thought he was too lonely in that emergency room and decided to make him a doll... little arthur that is.
the doll looks just like him, and is filled with healing herbs so he can recover even faster and restart his life!
There are lots of dream interpretation books out there that you could look at to gain some insight into what the horses mean. Also, journaling might help you discover what the horses represent in your own life since you might be able to make the connections easier. Just some suggestions!
maybe you should try Horse wispering - talking to horses real life ?
What a gorgeous picture of that horse's face!
Thank you for stopping by my Pass the Torch Tuesday today!
hehe great suggestions :)
i'm taking a course on dream interpretation :)