Popcorn juicy feast
Friday, August 18, 2006 by Lilize

i've been feeling restless lately, don't know what the matter is... =/
the other day i went for a ride with 2 friends of mine, we went to a place called pico do urubu (translated volture peak), it's the highest part of my hometown, and the point where people hang-glide on weekends. we went there at night so we could watch the silence (actually we could hear dogs barking) and look at the city lights.
i saw 2 or 3 falling stars there :) it was really nice and i'd show you some pictures, but my friend forgot to get the camera. maybe next time ;)
one thing i must not forget to take the camera is the "silent white manifestation" next wednesday. we're going to gather in front of the hospital where arthur has spent the last few weeks and stay there, everyone wearing white, just to show our deppreciation towards violence and the things that aren't done to prevent this.
arthur's been great, he's been opening both eyes for a few days now, meaning he's wide awake. he tried to talk the other day but the doctor said he couldn't do so because he's still very week (don't forget he's had a tube stuck on his throat for a very long time) and the only thing he could say was "oi" (hi in portuguese) because it's a small word. guess what he did? ;)
yes, he said "oi" ♡
hoping by tomorrow he'll finally be in his own bedroom.
kct, to impressionada com a recuperação do arthur! faz pouco tempo, não faz? tipo umas 2 semanas?
outra coisa: EU NUNCA VI UMA ESTRELA CADENTE SEQUER hahaha! Fez pedido?=P
I think the idea of standing in front of the hospital is fantastic. Perhaps you could even light some candles and read some excerpts from literature pertaining to how violence is damaging to everyone it touches. I'm hoping you take pictures!
Keep getting better, Arthur! Every day, you get closer and closer to being well. Remain positive, and know that this also will pass.
adoroooooooooo pipoca *_________*
alana: né???
é um garotão fortão mesmo hehe... e eu fiz pedido sim hihihi... já vi estrelas cadentes váááárias vezes, é muito legal.
sá: nossa, eu sou pipoqueira master, qnd vc vier aqui de novo a gente se desforra huahauha
zeus: this wednesday some friends made a recital at the theater... but still i think it's a good suggestion! i will try not to forget the camera and hope there will be lots of people!!!