Weekend update

have i been away since thursday??? guess so. and the funny thing is that i've been having posts ideas, just no time to post.

but now that my ideas are all gone and i finally have some spare time, i thought i could at least have a little weekend update.

anyways, i went to my friend's house to meet her new baby. a lovely hyper enthusiastic baby boxer that pees around whenever i call her and literally sat on my eye while i was sleeping.

i really need to write an email to my parents, someone broke into their house last week while they were out. i'm guessing it could be someone that has been keeping an eye on them for a while, otherwise, how would they know the house was empty, right? my parents have been living in lisbon for over 15 years now, and this has never happened before. mom said the accounted loss sums up to over 8.000 euros.

yeah, so i guess not only in brazil things are getting rough. but still, my attempts to escape this jungle never stop. is anyone interested in hiring me?


    As vezes quando to em casa sozinho nao atendo a campainha nem interfone nem telefone. Não tenho saco AHUHA Agora depois de ler isso fiquei pensando que eles se forem assaltantes vigiando se tem gente ou nao aqui, podem achar que nao tem ninguem. Ja pensou o espanto deles se invadem aqui e dao de cara comigo? ;O

    On 28 August, 2006 18:57 Anonymous said...

    "...and i finally have some spare time..."




    christian: hatar dig hahaha... i think ditching me has become your main hobby :(

    On 28 August, 2006 20:34 Anonymous said...

    OI, Lilize! Não estou na europa no momento, so vou de ferias no ano que vem! a Holanda é meu pais favorito, porém o partido de direita VVD esta elaborando algumas leis que proibem a entrada de latinos e outras etnias de outros lugares por 5 anos! é ridiculo eu sei! mas tudo é possivel na holanda! bem ai... no começo de 2007 precisamente dia 3 estarei chegando na europa! e vou ficar por 3 meses estudando holandes, no final de março se houver verba vou dar um pulinho em copenhaguen e estocolmo pra pesquisar universidades etc.. ai queria dicas.. como e a vida de um estudante e talz... pretendo ficar no quarto da facul ou dividir com alguem o mais barato possivel! vc trabalha ai?

    até breve!

    P.s a Mariana me deu o link do seu blog!


    That's horrible! I hope your parents can find the person responsible for robbing them. Brazil isn't the only place in the world to suffer things of that nature.

    The baby boxer is adorable! What is his name?


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