Thursday, August 03, 2006 by Lilize

13 movies that made a difference (at least to me)
1. reality bites
this is my top favorite movie, about young adults living in the 90's. i was 13 when it was released and i kind of wondered if my life would be anything like that. turns out it kind of was. is?
2. fight club
it took me around 3 years to have the guts to watch that movie. it's so violent but the message is not violent at all (the aproach is). at least that's how i got it... live life to the fullest ;)
3. dumb & dumber
haha just because this is one of the best comedies ever made.
4. the sound of music
no dissing me, this is a classic.
5. gone with the wind
same as above. besides, i wish i could be like scarlett o'hara.
6. the sweetest thing
this taught me not to watch movies with cameron diaz ever again.
7. bruce almighty
i happen to think this was a nice approach for love and comedy and faith and... ok, i just like jim carrey ok?
8. cocoon
just because i believed in them and thought i should find the swimming pool for my parents when they grew older :~
9. too much / drop dead fred
kind of a childhood frustration of not having a robot-friend or at least an imaginary one.
10. mists of avalon
a lot of things changed after this.
11. vanilla sky
reality isn't nearly what it seems to be.
12. bridget jones diary
my 15 year old cousin comes up to me and says: "you gotta watch that movie!"
so i go "really? what's it about?"
cos: "it's about a spinster who spends the whole movie trying to lose weight, quit drinking and smoking and finding a boyfriend! i just hope i don't grow up to be a loser like her!"
me: "shaddap. me. now."
13. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
(yes, i said i like jim carey) well, sometimes there are some things that we prefer to forget. that i got from another movie called memento. but still, sometimes we just have to deal with it. and also, sometimes we love someone who's just not perfect... but they might be perfect for us.
hope you liked my thursday13, happy thursday for you all :)
Other Thursday Thirteens!
1. pass the torch
2. lisa
3. laura
4. renee
5. dane bramage
6. knitting maniac
7. the merry rose
8. zeus
9. fida
10. tink
11. raggedy
12. are you next?
Ya gotta love dumb and dumber!
Thanks for stopping by my TT!
Ok, I love Jim Carrey too. And Cacoon. Wow, I remember that movie. I used to love it! It always made me cry though. This is a great list. And I totally agree with you on the Cameron Diaz thing. And if The sweetest thing didnt do it, Charlies Angels should have!
interesting list, i've seen about half your list. thanks for visiting my tt.
Dh & I were dating and went to see Drop Dead Fred (prob at the $1 theatre)...then a few weeks later we went to go see a play "Moon over the Brewery"... exact same theme.
I lean over and whisper to DH "Drop Dead Fred" and he says yeah. LOL! Good movie though!
Love Jim Carrey...still gotta see Bruce though.
Great list of movies! Must be the week for them. Congrats on being an Auntie and thanks for stopping by my T13.
kelly: always ^^
and no matter how many times i see that movie, i always crack up at the same jokes!!!
lisa: thanks for coming again! hehe... i saw charlies angels, but the bad performance of brazilian rodrigo santoro took cameron's glow off... hehe
renee: i was almost sure i was the only one on earth who had seen it!!! hahaha but you actually saw it on a date! ♡
really, go see bruce. it's great :D
dane: thank you!!!
Totally with you on GWTW!!!!!!
I have even more movies that I now need to watch. thx for stopping by. :)
Fight Club definitely is not for the weak of heart. I know my human pet loves that movie, but for me personally: I'm a lover, not a fighter!
Happy Thursday
GOod list!
Happy T13`~~
I like it that you don't forget the classics!
Thanks for stopping by my TT!
Good list.
I have not seen all of these but I have seen a few.
Thanks for stopping in at my place.
hahahahaha COCOON?
esse filme tocou terror por toda a minha infância
e eu confesso que até hoje não tive coragem de assistir=P
Great list of movies..
But I'd have to put in big fish and forrest gump....
but that's just me...
and sound of music... you could have gone with Moulin Rouge.... but not dissing... Nope not me :)
zeus: just isis right? hehe
tink: classics are great!!! =D
alana: hahaha pq terror?? o filme eh tao lindo :~~
jayb: YES! i thought of those 2 as well... but i just didn't know what to write under them. but moulin rouge... i loved it, really. but it's not a classic. sound of music is ^^ hehehe what can i say?