
over 80 people gathered tonight in front of the hospital where our friend arthur has been for the past 20 days.

the purpose of this was to show, not only that we care for our friend, but also that we haven't forgotten what happened on the night of aug 5th, and we haven't forgotten that he was a victim of free brutal violence. and we remembered that something should be done.

this was one way of protest. we can state our point without shouting at rooftops, or harassing other people, or fighting each other. so we just gathered in a big circle, hugged and sent all our good thoughts and all our faith - whichever that may be - to our friend, who was very near us :)

i know i said he had been transferred to a separate room, but that was a false alarm. his condition is stable and is non-intensive care, but the hospital did not dispose of available beds, so arthur had to remain in the intensive care unit. only today was he transferred to the semi-intensive care unit, but he's doing great.



    What a nice way to draw attention to such a dreadful act of violence.

    Hoping his condition improves soon.


    I think this was such a great idea, Lilize. I hope other people entering or leaving the hospital that day recognized the message your group was sending. I'm also sure people like Arthur who have been victims of violence appreciated the sentiment as well


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